Give a golden glimmer of hope with this gorgeously arranged condolences stand. Our florist’s pick of florals that offer comfort and compassion include white brassica, white gladius, white mum, white ping pong, white gerbera, champagne gerbera, white rose, and yellow peacock adorned with monstera and decorative leaves.
Flower Stand Contains
2 Stalks of Brassicaa, 5 Stalks of Gladious, 10 Stalks of Mum, 15 Stalks of White Roses, 15 Stalks of Champagne Roses, 10 Stalks of Champagne Gerbera, 15 Stalks of White Gerbera, 20 Stalks of Ping Pong, Yellow Peacocks, Monstera & SOI Leaves placed on top of 2 Large size Box Stand.